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What is NextJS Do For You?

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Tim Neutkens
Tim Neutkens

Next.js is a popular framework for building server-rendered React applications. It is built on top of React and provides several features and optimizations that make it easier to develop scalable and performant web applications. Here are some key aspects of Next.js:

  1. Server-side rendering (SSR): Next.js allows you to render React components on the server and send the fully-rendered HTML to the client. This approach improves initial load times and enhances search engine optimization (SEO) by providing a complete HTML page to crawlers.

  2. Client-side rendering (CSR): Next.js also supports client-side rendering for components that don't require server-side processing. This provides a fast and interactive user experience, as subsequent page updates can be handled on the client side.

  3. Automatic code splitting: Next.js automatically splits your JavaScript bundles based on the page boundaries. This means that only the necessary code for each page is loaded, reducing the initial page load time and improving performance.

  4. Routing: Next.js provides an intuitive and flexible routing system. You can define routes using file-based routing, where each file in the "pages" directory represents a route. Additionally, dynamic routes and query parameters can be easily handled.

  5. API routes: Next.js allows you to create serverless API endpoints by defining API routes. These routes can be used to handle data fetching, form submissions, and other server-side functionality.

  6. Static site generation (SSG): Next.js supports static site generation, where pages are pre-rendered at build time, allowing you to generate fully static websites. This approach is useful for content-heavy sites with data that doesn't change frequently.

  7. Incremental static regeneration (ISR): With Next.js, you can combine static site generation with incremental static regeneration. This feature enables you to update specific pages in the background while serving the pre-rendered content, ensuring your site remains fast and up-to-date.

  8. CSS and styling: Next.js provides built-in support for CSS modules, allowing you to write modular CSS styles scoped to specific components. You can also use popular CSS-in-JS solutions like Styled Components or Emotion.

  9. TypeScript support: Next.js has excellent TypeScript support out of the box. It includes types for core components and provides better static type checking and code intelligence, enhancing development productivity.

  10. Extensibility: Next.js is highly extensible and integrates well with other tools and frameworks. You can add custom server-side logic, middleware, and plugins to extend its functionality based on your project requirements.

Next.js has gained significant popularity due to its developer-friendly features, performance optimizations, and the ability to build scalable applications. It is widely used in industry projects and is supported by a vibrant community, with extensive documentation and resources available to help you get started.